Well, it seems we are getting free transport later today with some ministry of education person, but we have some time to kill so I will post again.
I ate some stuff from a baobab pod from the market, but have yet to see an actual baobab tree. Speaking of eating, if anyone wants to send anything, I could really use some cumin, but talk amongst yourselves to make sure I don't get 5 containers of cumin. Also spinach, marigold, basil, mint, and some nice heirloom cherry tomato seeds would be nice. If anyone wants to send me a copy of Emma Goldman's autobiography (preferably from a used bookstore or at least a non-corporate one) I'd like to finish that. Any good literature that isn't too dry. Maybe Michel Foucault on power or some Vonnegut books I haven't read. Again don't everyone send me things. You can use the comment section to communicate "dibs" on stuff. I'd say cumin and seeds are most high on the list. And remember to send everything addressed to Carrie. I haven't gotten my mail yet because we haven't been to the Serenje post office yet.
My bemba is coming along pretty dandily I would say. I can say things that involve personal pronouns and verbs in past, present, and future tense ok. Like Nshalitemwa ukutapa amenshi (I don't like to draw water). It is hard to understand what people say though and my vocab is limited.
Nshima isn't bad at all. Since you always eat it with a "relish" it can be tasty. There are also 4 different types: Corn (everyone's favorite, available as fluffy nutritionless 'breakfast meal' or whole kernel 'roller meal'), Sorghum, Finger Millet, and Cassava. My villagers are pretty poor so cannot afford fertilizer to grow corn most of the time. So they eat cassava nshima in the dry season (now) and some of the other kinds more during and after the rainy season. Carrie and I helped harvest some cassava with a handmade hoe which was kinda cool. Some kinds you can eat raw and it tastes a little like mild coconut and parsnips. Most they soak and pound into flour for nshima. Cassava nshima is very hard to make because it becomes really thick and mucilaginous rapidly upon cooking. For relish I make my world famous "Doug's World Famous Tomato Relish" which, incidentally, is not world famous. But it is delicious. Tomatoes, soya pieces (textured vegetable protein to Americans), onions, and vinegar. If you eat too much cassava nshima you get kinda sick feeling from all the residual cyanide. Hopefully we can buy some roller meal in Serenje on the way back.
They also have these funny smaller bananas that taste in between a banana and a green apple. Some other weird things I have eaten: icikanda (made from the root of an orchid and peanuts, tastes and looks just like some sort of weird sausage-balogna), weird little fibrous nut things, unsweetened tamarind, fermented milk (which tastes like runny yoghurt), chibuku (fermented fried corn meal - awful).
Ok everyone is leaving the internet. I will too. Much love, Doug
i have some SE hinton books that i have finished reading if you want those.. she wrote the outsiders which ali told me to read.. she had to read it for school, but so far i havent had to.
its going to get hot here again tomorrow.. hows your weather?
ok i gotta go
DOUG! All your experiences sounds so new and exciting!! The foods you describe just as exciting. How about we make a deal-- I'll send you food (and hey, isn't that cheating a little bit?!) if you send me food. :) That's possible, right? haha. Sigh, I know it's not but I still had to throw it out there!
I suspect you want more than 1 thing of cumin so it'll last you a bit? I've got a few extra containers I can send your way. When I get back down to Hoboken in a few days I'll go to the organic mart where we got the ice cream and see what they have from your list and report back with my findings.
Speaking of gardens, my little rooftop garden has been most fruitful! Well, veggieful haha. I'm dreading the fast approaching Fall as I won't be able to use my own resources the same.
I'll send you a bunch of books I've already read and have in my collection. I've been checking books out from the library lately so can't send some of my recent goodies, as I suspect it'll be due before it'll get back to me :)
EXCITING NEWS!!! I got a job at TIME Magazine!! It's as a photo assistant and I start the end of the month. So I'm starting to look at apartment options and will eventually make my move. It seems that I'm going to be settled for once, an odd feeling.
To counter the almost-scary feeling of permanence, I went to Cape Cod last weekend and am going to NC next week for 5 days. Planning a possible venture to Asia (a return to Thailand?) for the spring, all to be decided. Even if it doesn't happen it's nice to think about.
I'm home right now and my parents say hello and big hugs go your way, from all of us.
Hallie is doing swell and of course so is Majesty. Odd bit of news is that my neighbor went missing about a month ago, still with no signs of what might have happened. Dad and Katherine are worried about him walking around as a zombie, they even put a sign up saying for all zombies to go away.
I love reading your posts and your family's postings, I get the double excitement of knowing how everyone is doing :)
Katherine made cheese cake for my birthday, I'll have an extra piece for you, as I feel mailing it would be an awful idea though tasty in thought.
Do you want some innertubes for the bike?? Let me know the size you need and any other parts you might need.
Much love,
PS., Long post, I know. Never been brief with words haha.
Have you read The World According to Garp? I think you have.
and is Foucault too dry? (haha.)
I'm going to send Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the end of the World. Desert Solitaire too.
I hope you want 'Molecular Biology of the Cell' because it's coming your way!
After some searching, I found transcripts. I will sen them along with copies of diploma and MCAT scores tomorrow.
Love DAD
I'm so glad you are there now, I'll stop worrying about Carrie so much. This is fun, now I have two blogs to check for Zambia news. Hopefully you and Carrie have been working on the rat problem. Be careful & have fun.
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