14 November 2007

The 9 minute blog

Ok I only have 9 minutes until the net place closes. Excuse any typos.

I found Carrie in Kabwe finally - Sorry to leave everyone back home on the edge of your collective seats.

We got a new chicken who is aptly named "New Chicken", for lack of a fitting name. All the chickens have followed Fireball's lead for some god-forsaken reason. They all vie for a position on the nest to incubate the 2 eggs we left them to hatch. Sometimes 2 chickens will sit on the small nest. Must take a picture (side note: no pics because Carrie's card reader is broken, her mom is mailing her a new one).

We celebrated Freedom Day here in Zambia, which basically consists of drinking, dancing, and some exiting (for Zambian cuisine) food. You could probably read about it in Carrie's blog, but my description (which will have to wait) will no doubt be much funnier.

We are entering rainy season. Yay!!!! Heavy rains. Makes the solar dryer perform less than optimally; I don't know how we are going to be able to dry all these mangos we have growing.

I've made (with help from our friend Justin) a hoe, and am in the drawn out process of personally producing an axe (isembe). It will be the creation I am most proud of in life.

We visited "Bwana" Peter and got lots of goodies, coffee, milk, butter that he grew, and Rusks (biscutty thing from S.A.).

We made a field!!! Maybe 1 lima or 3/4 lima (that's a measure of area). 5 different types of pumpkins, 3 cantaloupes, 2 watermelons, corn, 4 different types of beans.

Oh god! Time!

I need to thank people, but putting my self-interests first will list stuff I would love to have: Emilie - Bulk Nutritional Yeast Flakes! Anyone - Spearmint total care Tom's Of Maine toothpaste. Books on chickens?

Dad, how is the new doggie? Everyone, how is life?? Mom, are you reading this? Everyone reading please put a comment to let me know how you are. I think of everyone in the States often and fondly! Love, Doug


Anonymous said...

Hi Doug,
I have signed up on Pennytalk so if you call sometime, I can call (if it works...) for 15 cents/min. Funny, but I sent you some Tom's toothpaste w/ books and there is chocolate, but I forgot to ziploc it so I hope it won't melt. Dogies are well. Traveler is as tall as Spots no and the two get on well, though Spots has stolen his bed as per usual, so he's taken to sleeping with us, and we wake up to his needle teeth gnawing on the back of our heads, very endearing... I'll get Nathan to take photos of dogs to email soon
What do you want in an xmas package? Foodstuffs? How is the language process and what news nof Visa/clinic progress?

Much Love, Dad

John Placais said...


That was way too short of an update after not being able to hear from you for a month! I am glad to hear that you are still alive and growing a garden. It sounds like the simple life (without Paris Hilton of course) is going well for you. I am a bit jealous, believe it or not.

Maman is coming over to my place and we'll be celebrating Thanksgiving! However, since Maman is now a vegetarian, I don't know how I am going to cook a 20 lb. Bean Curd Turkey.

Things with my girl Daphne are going well... Almost too well... Sometimes we both wonder why nothing has gone wrong at all, and we grow suspicious of how good we are together. But then we laugh!

Daphne and I are going to see a hockey game tonight (her first!) so that should be fun. We went to the auarium over the weekend and saw everything from penguins to sharks to snakes (in an aquarium?) and then there was the awesome jellyfish exhibit! Beautiful Jellies of different shapes and sizes, and colors... It really excersizes the imagination to think about what life is like in the depths of the ocean. By the way, I am going for my Scuba Certification, so soon I will be able to dive and find out for myself!

I think about you often and hope that you remain safe and happy with your woman. I look forward to your next (hopefully longer!) blog!

Lotsa luv,

Anonymous said...

Hello Baby, yes I read with great interest and a big smile. Miss you.
I love you.
Your maman

Anonymous said...

When are you going to start that "Red-Up Zambia" program you were talking about ?
Love, Tony P

Unknown said...

Doug! I'm reminding you that this year it's your turn to call on Thanksgiving. It's 9:50am, so I'm giving you plenty of time to bike and find a phone haha :)

But in any case, Happy Thanksgiving!

If you get this soon, let me know what else you need from the co-op!

Much love,

Anonymous said...

Hello Doug,
Seems like a long time since the last blog; good to read this one although brief, still informative.
We had a quiet Thanksgiving with Di, Stu and Jess: it was tasty and the turkey turned out perfectly which is not always the case though I have been cooking them for years! I always think of you and sweet potatoes with marshmallows.
Am hoping to drive out to Pittsburgh with Grub on Dec 7 for a quick visit, won't be the same without you there. However I'll meet the new puppy and see Spot who is a favorite of mine.
What is the visa status these days? Any progress?
Will get a Xmas package off soon probably a few misc items. How did the chocolate hold up- did you receive my package sent in early Sept?
I enjoy hearing about the big three- chickens; they seemn to have their own personality. I am going to call the VA Cooperative Extension Dept next week and see if they have any literature on chickens. Aren't there several different types, and what of how they are raised in other countries?
I'll get a letter off soon with some photos and usual clippings.
Do you need anything in particular, you or Carrie?
Politics drum on and on and we have about a year until the 08 election. I don't much care for any of them! Nothing gets accomplished in Congress, and the war drags on with a promise of more to come if the adminisistration gets it way and attacks Iran! What a disaster
for the whole region!!
Take care of yourself. Please let us know about visa.
Jess sends her best.
You are always in my thoughts!
Give Carrie my love and much to you from,

Unknown said...

Doug! OH MY GOSH, I didn't realize you had a blog! I've been worrying and worrying and wondering about you since I got that last voicemail in August. I saved and replayed that voicemail several times, but now that I don't have a cell phone, my life is even more Doug-free.

I haven't read any of the blog yet, but I'm printing it all out as I type this. (I just can't stand reading from the computer screen, so I figured I'd waste some beautiful tree's life instead.) I'm glad to know you're alive and well!

I hope you got my letter. I miss you. I have so much going on in my life right now. I'm going to be making a major life change, and it's scary and exciting at the same time. (Probably similar to how you felt after embarking to Zambia.) I'm 95% sure I'll be quitting grad school by January. I have passionate dreams to follow, and a mobile village of resistance to organize! I'm living co-operatively with some friends and lots of animals, and I've fallen madly in love with my new partner Clint. I don't get back to Pittsburgh often these days, but I'm still unlocking all of the glorious secrets of Madison.

Stay healthy and bright!

Much love and even more hugs,
~ Sarah

Anonymous said...

I like reading your blog. Who thought up that word-blog ,I wonder???
It doesn't make any sense to me, oh well.
I like reading your view and Carries' view on things that are happening there, it's fun comparing points of view.